‘I feel so proud to be part of a special volunteering community’

Posted on the 1st June 2023

Hello! I’m Su, the network engagement officer for the Vision for Volunteering – a collaborative project co-led by NCVO alongside a group of partner organisations. I’m also a Dementia Voice volunteer at Alzheimer’s Society, where I use my personal connection to dementia to help the charity ensure its work reflects the needs of people affected by the disease.  

Dementia Voice volunteers can get involved with a range of different opportunities, depending on their interests. From giving feedback on health services to reviewing medical literature and more, there’s a volunteer opportunity for everyone. 

Connecting virtually

I volunteer remotely, so I don’t tend to meet fellow volunteers in person. But Alzheimer’s Society is great at helping us feel connected through initiatives like its regular e-newsletter.  

It’s so inspiring to hear what fellow volunteers get up to, and to find out what motivates them to get involved. From helping out at events for the research community and bringing their voices to steering groups, to writing a book about life with dementia to raise awareness of the condition, there’s no end to the ways volunteers support the charity’s vital work.  

Feeling part of a community 

The e-newsletter also gives us the opportunity to celebrate each other’s achievements, including when volunteers are nominated for awards acknowledging their incredible contributions! I always finish reading the e-newsletter feeling so proud to be part of a special community.  

It’s clear that Alzheimer’s Society volunteers have such a powerful impact on the lives of people living with dementia and their loved ones. Happy Volunteers’ Week to the amazing Alzheimer’s Society volunteer community! 

Staff profile picture


Dementia Voice Volunteer, Alzheimer's Society

Su is the network engagement officer for the Vision for Volunteering – a project co-led by NCVO, along with several other partner organisations. In her spare time, Su volunteers as a Dementia Voice volunteer for Alzheimer's Society.

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