Caring for Cardiff for 40 years

Posted on the 31st May 2024

Here at City Hospice in Cardiff, we’re also celebrating our 40th anniversary.

Over the last 40 years, demand for our services has grown at an exponential rate. In 1997, a total of 100 patients were referred for specialist palliative care. Today, more than 100 patients are referred to us every month.

As the number of patients and families has increased, so has our team of doctors, clinical nurse specialists, occupational therapists and, of course, volunteers. We’ve also recently collaborated with the Welsh Ambulance Service to appoint a hospice-trained paramedic to assist with urgent and emergency home visits.

Sam's selfie with a group of City Hospice volunteers in high vis jackets at an event

City Hospice volunteers make a huge contribution.

Supported by an incredible team of volunteers

As a charity, we heavily rely on our amazing volunteers, who generously give their own free time to help make what we do possible.

Our team of over 250 volunteers help us with everything and anything. Whether that’s picking up patients to bring them to the hospice, maintaining and improving our beautiful gardens, raising vital funds through fundraising, or helping in one of our retail stores.

Volunteer support has a massive impact on our charity and we’re so grateful to all those who give up their time for us. We truly couldn’t do what we do without each and every one of our wonderful volunteers.

A City Hospice charity shop volunteer proudly holds her volunteer lanyard

Volunteers are essential to the running of City Hospice's retail stores.

Celebrating our anniversary

We’re looking forward to celebrating our 40th anniversary and ensuring we can continue to provide the highest care, comfort and support for the next 40 years and beyond.

We’re marking the milestone with a variety of events throughout the year, including our new ‘40 Charity Challenge’. We’re inviting you to share your memories and stories of the hospice from the last 40 years by contacting:

Visit the City Hospice website to find out more
Staff profile picture


Volunteer Development Manager, City Hospice (Cardiff)

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